Aquarium installation, maintnance and advice service.
Are your fish suriving or thriving? Is your aquarium the relaxing centrepiece you wanted it to be or is it giving you more stress than enjoyment?
A marine biology graduate With years of experience in fishkeeping, i can help you present an aquarium to be proud of, whilst ensuring the best vitality for your fish.
About me
A passionate fish keeper, i strive to provide aquarium inhabitants with a habitat that resembles their own so they may interact with their environment and other inhabitants in the most natural way possible.
I am an ambassador for the natural aquarium ethos and sustainable fish keeping.
Your Aquarium
Your aquarium should be a relaxing centrepiece in your home or business. If you find yourself stressed out with it please consider reaching out before it gets out of hand.
Your fish
Fish deserve to live in an environment where they can thrive, not just survive. There are many fish that are really not suited for a home aquarium, including the common goldfish, nevertheless it should be your wish to do the best for any fish now in your care.